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Helping people get back to what they love

Up Ankle is used to decrease pain and swelling caused by sprained ankles. The patented foam ‘U’ shape forms an exact fit around the bony part of the ankle and pockets surrounding the joint. By compressing Up Ankle into the joint with a wrap or sock, the swelling that would pool there is pushed upwards along the sides of the leg bone. The leg bone is fixed and will not move like the ankle joint so it makes it a much better place to hold swelling. With swelling pushed up you will have increased range of motion, less pain, and ultimately, a faster recovery!


Compresses the pockets of the joint surrounding the ankle to push swelling out


Pain is reduced with decreased swelling in the joint

Range of Motion

Functional movement is increased when you have less swelling and pain

All this leads to a faster recovery

Who is using this?

  • Athletes
  • Trainers
  • Physicians
  • Coaches
  • Weekend Warriors
  • Military
  • Physical therapists
  • Home Medical Kit

“On a three-day Grand Canyon rim to rim backpacking trip, I learned just how life changing Up Ankle can be!

By the end of the first day when I hiked to the bottom of the canyon, I couldn’t get my boot back on because of the pain and swelling. I had no idea how I was going to finish the hike and get back up to the top. I applied the Up Ankle and wrapped it tight before going to bed. When I woke up in the morning the swelling was down and I was not only able to put on my boot but successfully finish my trip with no discomfort. I am so grateful for how Up Ankle helped me finish strong! “

Grand Canyon Hiker

Up Ankle user